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All information on this page is the swine truth. Accusations of mendacity are sinister, pathetic and evil...Cosmo Pigglesworth


Learning to Follow: Weekly Highlights

These News Highlights are written mainly for those who missed the last meeting and for those who wish to re-live the previous meeting. Information about what happened during the business meeting can be found in the comprehensive minutes by Secretary Dawn Sheppard. Finally, always check the new auto-scheduler for assignments -which often change weekly.


We are currently meeting at the DoubleTree Hotel in Bloomington, MN and online with Zoom. 

Note:  click on the "Cosmo-Schedule" link above to find both the upcoming Schedule and the link to our Zoom Meeting.

note: Club Roles and Duties are explained within this website here

Here is the current list of our new 2022-2023 Exec. Committee:

President:               Rosie Dauth

Education V.P.:      John Drewitz

Membership V.P.: George Heim

Pub. Rel. V.P.:       Sam Charchian

Secretary:              Dawn Sheppard

Treasurer:              Spencer Olson

Sgt.-At-Arms:       James Dunn

Past President is:   Tom Renick

Note: See schedule. If you are unable to attend a meeting especially when you are assigned an important role, it is your duty to contact others on the schedule and make arrangements to swap or get a volunteer to fill-in for you. Do not leave the Toastmaster or General Evaluator holding the bag.

Club Etiquette:   Put away cell phones.....take the floor (stand) when side conversations

If you missed a meeting, be sure to check: "Detailed Minutes" .........and always check the ever-changing "Cosmo-Schedule" page.

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